Physical Therapy

 Physical Therapy
With Rehab Resolutions, Inc.
Locations: West Springfield & Westfield

Contact Rehab Resolutions 413-736-2250

Enhance your body with quality services

When you choose us you can expect a hands-on approach to physical therapy. This is a unique attribute of Rehab Resolutions, Inc. Every visit to our clinic is designed for maximum recovery results. Our program consists of stretching and strengthening with personalized home exercise programs. Our therapists also perform one on one deep tissue mobilization sessions.

What to expect with our service

  •     Allow yourself a one-hour window for your appointments.
  •     Your plan of care is balanced between two therapists. The primary physical therapist for any evaluations and checkpoint appointments and the physical therapist assistant that will facilitate your visits in between.
  •     At each visit, you will also work with one of our trained technicians to manage your home exercise program. The technician will walk you through your stretching and strengthening exercises and provide you with printed instructions to ensure your ability to perform the exercises at home.

Alter-G Treadmill

The Alter-G treadmill is an anti-gravity treadmill that uses differential air pressure technology. This technology that was developed by NASA is used to counteract gravity and un-weight the body to decrease forces on the hips, knees, and ankles.

While allowing normal walking mechanics in a safe and pain-free surrounding, body weight can be reduced from 100% to as low as 20%.


  • Patients who benefit from the anti-gravity environment:
    Orthopedic injuries (joint replacements, sprains, strains)
  • Amputees
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Athletes who also benefit from the unweighted training environment:
    Long-distance runners in for training and recovery runs
  • Football, basketball and soccer players getting back in the game
  • Those trying to increase their edge or recover quickly from injury

Scheduling physical therapy service

    • Have insurance information on hand when you call to set up the initial visit. This allows our team time to verify your insurance prior to your first visit and let you know ahead of time if there will be any expected payments at the time of service.
    • Arrive 15 minutes early for your initial visit to allow yourself time to fill out any necessary paperwork.
    •  Bring your insurance card, a photo ID, and the doctor’s order.
    • Wear comfortable clothing.
    • Bring your personal calendar / planner to schedule your plan of care.

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